

 Awareness : Knowledge is more than power: it is the ability to involve oneself fully in one's life and actions. A deed done in ignorance is a stab in the dark; a deed born out of knowledge is focused and effective. A deed done in ignorance is disjointed, alien--the deed of a stranger even to the one who does it; a deed born out of knowledge is an integral deed--an extension of, and enhancement to, the totality of the doer...
Rabbi Yanki Tauber, "Seven Fruits of the Soul"

Rejoice in the spreading fig tree -
Its wide leaves fan the sky
And shade the earth below -
Its purple fruit ripens slow.

Wait for its first-ripe fig -
The one in days gone by
Bound with reed-grass and brought -
With song and flute and drum -
Up to the altar in Jerusalem.

 Thinking Fig

                            Be like a fig-
                            It ripens slowly in the sun-
                            Your deeds will grow full and fair
                            When they are thoughtfully done.