

Joy : A happy person is an open book. Everything gushes forth; his personality flows free, without restraint and inhibition. Joy is the battering ram that breaks down barriers and constraints, whether they are internal or external, imagined or real...
Rabbi Yanki Tauber, "Seven Fruits of the Soul"

Gather your clustered grapes
From the autumn vine -
If one falls - but no more than two -
Retrieve them not -
And in the seventh year,
Harvest not your store.

Thus says the Lawgiver in His law Divine -
Praise His compassion for rich and poor.

A song of ascents. 
1.Praiseworthy is each person who fears Hashem, who walks in His path. 2. When you eat the labor of your hands, you are praiseworthy, and it is well with you. 3. Your wife shall be like a fruitful vine in the inner chambers of your your home; your children shall be like olive shoots surrounding your table.
4.Behold! For so is blessed the man who fears Hashem. 5. May Hashem bless you from Zion, and may you gaze upon the goodness of Jerusalem, all the days of your life. 6. And may you see children born to your children, peace upon Israel.  
Psalm 128 

                                       Gushing Grapes

      Gather your ripened grapes
From the purple vine -
  Let nothing ever inhibit
                    The flowing joy of your soul Divine.