From "Seven Fruits of the Soul" by Rabbi Yanki Tauber:

"G-d is bringing you to a good land ... A land of wheat, barley, grapes, figs and pomegranates; a land of oil-yielding olives and [date] honey" (Deuteronomy 8:8)

The Torah is a code. Or rather, the Torah is also a code: it very much means what it says, but also enfolds many levels of metaphor and allusion beneath its surface meaning.
So when the Torah talks about a promised land that is distinguished by seven special fruits, it is also speaking about the human soul and its seven special qualities that drive it and enrich it. According to the symbolism in the teachings of Kabbalah and Chassidism, the "seven kinds" with which the Land of Israel is blessed--wheat, barley, grapes, figs, pomegranates, olives and dates--represent the qualities of transcendence, vitality, joy, awareness, action, straggle and tranquility.

...He waters the mountains from His upper chambers, 
from the fruit of Your works the earth is sated. 
He causes vegetation to sprout for the cattle, 
and plants through man's labor, 
to bring forth bread from the earth; 
and wine that gladdens man's heart, 
to make the face glow from oil, 
and bread that sustains the heart of man....    

Psalm 104:14-15